martes, 15 de abril de 2008

late nights

so i've been doing a lot of thinking recently about the senior corps position that i accepted back in march in the service department and today that thinking culminated in me declining the position.

there's not much to say except that it didn't feel right. and of all the things i've been working on this year, its to trust myself more. i can trust others no problem until they break that trust, but trusting myself is much harder. maybe because i am very hard on myself. also i want to sleep at night next year and even though i know i can't base next year's experiences off of this year, its hard not do that.

so here i go to bed, in an attempt to make a dent in my accumulated since september sleep debt.

viernes, 11 de abril de 2008

hours, completed

today on my time sheet report i reached a total of 1717 hours and 15 minutes.

americorps hours - check.
months left - 3.
months completed -7.

i think i will wait till next weekend to celebrate, because i feel like it would be more fun with a non-City Year friend. also known as, one of my best friends is coming to visit me from tucson and i have to think of something exciting to do.

martes, 8 de abril de 2008

added two new posts

but you'll have to back track a little to find them.

words on routine

city year for kids