martes, 3 de junio de 2008

boston, are we ready?

so when we do our PT routine (that we've been frantically reworking this week), that's my call. loud and what not. although i don't feel so coordinated that i deserve to be in the front row. we're doing a routine to welcome all the sites to cyzygy.

cyzygy - city year's annual conference hosted by any of the 19 sites (this year, BOSTON!) with workshops and speakers and everything nice about idealism.

we're also crazy busy preparing (prepping) service sites for serve-a-thon this weekend. and my team is still running our afterschool program, so we are rather busy.

yesterday however, i spent the day in the office, catching up on the numbers that track all of our impact. aka, i did a full day of data entry. i will say though, the beginning of the day was far more productive than the end, but i couldn't focus on it anymore. i am not cut out for long periods of data entry.

this morning we are meeting at the wang theatre to go over our PT routine in the space we will be using on thursday. people can grumble all they want and fail to see the positive side of the whole ordeal and complain about the lack of order/organization, but unless they're doing something about it (coming to the table for dialogue, or something that involves both sides) then they should just be glad they survived their city year.

i think i've come to terms with it, at least a little bit and i feel blessed to have figured it out so the year wouldn't end bitterly but at least looking back, i feel proud/pleased/astonished.

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